DIRTY HONEY Releases Music Video For 'Coming Home (Ballad Of The Shire)'
February 27, 2024Currently on its third consecutive, sold-out European headline tour, today DIRTY HONEY has released a brand new music video for "Coming Home (Ballad Of The Shire)" from the band's current album, "Can't Find The Brakes".
The "Coming Home" video offers an unexpected element from a band best known for its high-energy, sexy, bluesy rock 'n' roll and reflects the song's message about navigating through the peaks and valleys of life. With lyrics by vocalist Marc LaBelle, the song is a deeply personal, heartfelt tale of love and life's everyday challenges: the insecurities, the misunderstandings, the words spoken that you wish you hadn't, and the hurt inflicted that you can't magically erase. But, in the end, the realization is that no matter the challenges, home is where your heart is, home is where you belong, and home is just a few more miles ahead.
Said LaBelle: "Being musicians that live on the road, 'Home' has become wherever it is that we're playing music, rather than a particular place. We wanted to showcase our separate journeys, knowing full well that the music will always call us back home."
Directed, shot, and edited by cinematographer Mark Christy, the "Coming Home" video was filmed in January, taking the band — LaBelle, guitarist John Notto, bassist Justin Smolian and drummer Jaydon Bean — to various U.S. locations. LaBelle explained: "We went to Snoquamish for the snow and to Durango and Flagstaff for the train scenes. And we knew Monument Valley was an epic, very American West-looking landscape symbolic of both America's beauty and the struggle of and vastness of traveling through the American West."
In April 2023, DIRTY HONEY headed to Australia to record the new album with longtime producer Nick DiDia. Unlike the band's self-titled, full-length 2019 debut, which, due to the pandemic, had to be recorded via Zoom with the band in Los Angeles and DiDia in Australia, DIRTY HONEY spent an entire month in the studio with DiDia.
LaBelle said: "Just physically being together in the studio with our producer made for a very creative environment; we got into such a groove, we were very focused, and not rushed, so it was great for all of us.
"We decided to call the album 'Can't Find The Brakes' because the title was almost a time capsule of our lives right now. We're constantly on the move and living each day city by city. Sometimes being a touring musician can feel like you're on a train going full speed, and even if you could find the brakes, would you really want to?"
"Having Jayden in the band has made a huge difference," said Justin. "He's an a capella singer with a background in vocal harmonies. So having him contribute, especially to the harmonies, has really added to our sound and has helped us grow a lot.
Marc added: "Jaydon's got a great approach to songwriting, and he's willing to take the ride with a song without judgment. There's a great Ed Sheeran quote that I love: 'Dare to suck. You never know what's going to happen, so just dare to suck.' Or, as Jayden puts it, 'You've just got to be open to infinity, man, you're a vessel for infinity!'"
"'Coming Home', 'Don't Put Out The Fire', 'You Make It Alright' and 'Rebel Son' are all standouts," said John. "'Won't Take Me Alive' is the most kick-ass, aggressive, badass rock song we've ever written. All of these songs widen our lane in a real energetic way."
The album cover art for "Can't Find The Brakes" was hand-painted by the world-renowned, Los Angeles-based graffiti artist Kelly "RISK" Gravel, who has been synonymous with the L.A. art scene for over 30 years. He was the first on the west coast to paint freight trains, freeway overpasses and signs, and the first artist in 400 years invited to paint in Michelangelo's studio.
"There really hasn't been a good band out of L.A. that got me pumped up," said RISK, "but DIRTY HONEY did. Their rock vibe, kind of like organized chaos, I wanted the artwork to say that."
Photo credit: Linda Eklov